Find procedures, forms, templates and checklists for reappointments.
Much of the information provided here is from the Faculty Relations website and modified for relevance to the Faculty of Medicine. Please check this website for additional information and for current language and developments.
Contained herein are policies and resources pertinent to faculty members. Faculty members may also be subject to additional policies or procedures that are specific to their academic units or funding agencies.
Some faculty members are covered by the Collective Agreement between the University and the Faculty Association while others are covered by the official University of British Columbia Policy AP4 (formerly Policy #42) on Faculty Terms Appointments Without Review, and the Policy AP10 (formerly Policy #61) on Post Doctoral Fellows, which can be found on the University Counsel website. Please also reference the UBC Senior Appointments Committee Guide as needed.
Tenure and Partner Stream
To process a tenure stream or Partner stream reappointment through the Dean’s Office, upload the following documents to OneDrive.
- Record of Meeting with Department Head/School Director(2024 update): Suggested format to record the annual meeting between the candidate and the Department Head or School Director.
- Curriculum Vitae
- Letter of Recommendation from the Department Head/School Director to the Dean addressing:
- Recommendation/Report of the Standing Committee, including the vote result, date of meeting, and any explanation of negative votes or abstentions
- Recommendation of the Department Head/School Director
- Summary of the candidate’s teaching, research or educational leadership, and service contributions
- Any concerns, if applicable
- Note that the draft letter/report has been circulated to the Standing Committee for comments as per 5.07(b) of the UBC Faculty Collective Agreement
- Referee letters, if applicable under article 5.05(a)(iii) or 5.05(b)(iii) of the UBC Faculty Collective Agreement
- Immigration Documents (if applicable)
- Partners: Sponsorship Letter/Partner Institution Agreement to confirm support from the Partner institution covering the period of reappointment or Partner Institution Agreement