Resources/ FAQs

Additional resources at UBC and frequently asked questions regarding the use of shared space

UBC Resources

Shared Space Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What’s expected of people working together in shared workspaces?

Everyone has a role to play in ensuring the best use and a positive experience in our shared workspaces by following the guidelines that apply to their worksite. They lay out expectations and best practices for booking and checking in/out of individual workspaces, managing noise, maintaining cleanliness, handling workspace furniture/equipment, individual and team storage, information security and handling of printed files/materials, and accessing technical support.

2. What are the etiquette guidelines around volumes in shared workspaces?

All users should be mindful of their volume levels when using shared workspaces, especially those that are shared or open. Using headphones is encouraged. If you are leading or participating in an in-person or videoconference meeting, please be respectful of others and consider moving to a less crowded area, if possible.
Book a meeting room using RoomFinder:

3. What’s the process for booking and checking into shared workspaces?

Staff need to…

  • book individual workspaces on the Condeco platform up to four weeks in advance.
  • edit/change their bookings in the Condeco platform if their schedules change
  • check in by 9:30 a.m. (morning or whole-day bookings) / 1:30 p.m. (afternoon bookings) on the Condeco app

when arriving onsite to confirm the workspace they reserved, otherwise the space will be released for others to book. The check-in process ensures that workspaces are confirmed or cancelled early enough to allow others to book or plan their day around available spaces.
More information on booking and checking in is available on MedNet:

4. Can we make bookings for less than a day (shorter windows)?

See the Condeco Training Manual – Half Day Bookings for more information.

5. How do we book meeting rooms? Has the process changed?

The process for booking meeting rooms has not changed and will continue through RoomFinder and Advance Booking Manager, which allow teams to make recurring bookings up to six months in advance.

For more information, visit the Room Booking website on MedNet or contact the Resource Coordination Team:
1.877.266.0666 Option 3
Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

6. Where can I find information about technology, tools, and training for shared workspace?

Everyone has a role to play in keeping our workspaces tidy. In response to feedback, the Faculty of Medicine Facilities Operations team has distributed kitchen cleaning schedules to IRC & DMCBH staff. These have been posted near the sink and microwaves.

7. Where can I find information about safety and security in shared workspace?

8. How much set-up will be required at individual workstations before use? 

Digital Solutions has created easy-to-follow guides for both PC and Mac users to set up their workstations easily and quickly. Technical support will be available if staff encounter issues setting up and using the technology at workstations.

Ergonomic set-up for individual workstations is covered in training. The interactive floorplans for relevant sites will now display workstations that are “bookable w/ modified setup” in their own colour in Condeco. This will improve clarity and ensure individuals can select the workstation that best suits their setup needs.

More information:

9. Can we leave personal and other items in a shared workspace if we plan to work there repeatedly/the next day? 

Staff are encouraged to keep personal items, such as family photos and spare shoes, at home even if they plan to frequently use the same shared workspace.
Everyone using shared workspaces must leave them clean and clear after each booking. This means removing all garbage/recycling, dishes, personal items, paper files/Post-It notes, and equipment even if they intend to use the same workspace the next day and/or for repeated bookings. Adhering to this clean desk policy ensures each workspace is ready for the next person to use.
You can find information on personal and team storage on MedNet:

10. What should we do with files that we use individually and as a team? 

Staff are encouraged to use digital files instead of printed hard copies whenever possible. Units must comply with UBC Records Management Office policies and procedures, including for paper records security.
To ensure information security, printed documents or Post-It notes containing confidential or sensitive information must not be left on desks, walls, or in meeting rooms. All printed materials must be safely stored or disposed of at the end of the workday.

11. What support is available when items at shared workspaces break/don’t work?

Each workstation has a QR code that takes you to a simple form to report broken or malfunctioning equipment. Thank you for reporting issues so they can be addressed.

If immediate support is unavailable to resolve the issue, users can check Condeco to find another workspace.

12. Where can I find information about technology, tools, and training for shared workspaces?

You can find information on technology, tools, and training on MedNet:

13. Where can I find information about safety and security in shared workspaces?

14. Where should I send feedback and questions I have/my team has about the project?

General project questions and comments
Simona Dziaugyte, Work(place) Evolution: Doing Hybrid Well Project Coordinator
Space Planning & Facilities Management, Faculty of Medicine

Eileen Koshi, Facilities Manager
Faculty of Medicine, Dean’s Office

Satoshi Iura, Office Manager
Faculty of Medicine, Dean’s Office

UBC Ergonomics Contacts