Event Coordinators plan and administer their Department/ School/ Centre/ Institute/ Program/ Unit activities in academic learning spaces. They are responsible for:
- Providing a designated point of contact(s) to collaborate with Digital Solutions Resource Coordination Team in booking academic learning spaces and resources.
- Determining and submitting booking requirements to the Resource Coordination Team in accordance with advance and general booking guidelines and timelines.
- Booking only needed spaces and regularly reviewing booked rooms to ensure all rooms booked are still required.
- Managing, updating, and canceling their academic learning spaces bookings in a timely manner.
- Communicating with the Resource Coordination Team on booking changes, changes to the booking organizer contact, cancellations, and resolution of issues requiring involvement from event coordinators from a different unit. If the booking conflict is between event coordinators on the same team, the event coordinator can elect to resolve the issue without involving the Resource Coordination Team.
- Ensuring academic learning spaces requested are the most appropriate spaces for the planned activity.
- Understanding how individual booked rooms are accessed and coordinating any additional access needed for afterhours events.
- Distributing booking confirmations and access information to participants.
Booking non-Faculty of Medicine rooms
The event organizer is responsible for booking any non-Faculty of Medicine rooms that may be needed for their event, as the Resource Coordination team is only able to book FOM rooms. Find out how to book a non-FoM room.