Managing in a Hybrid Work(place)

While the landscape of work continues to evolve, much of what we know about effective workplaces and leadership remains unchanged, despite the shift to hybrid work. Instead of calling for new skills and behaviours, this new work environment requires leaders to be more intentional in how they apply leadership skills and pay particular attention to effectively utilizing in person time to nurture existing relationships and foster new connections.

These practical tips, actionable insights, and valuable resources will help you navigate the unique challenges, and leverage the opportunities, presented by hybrid work.

We also encourage you to talk to your colleagues to learn best practices and share challenges. Tap into the collective wisdom at FoM to shape the future of our work(place).

+ Understand the Future of Work

Embracing the future of work is essential as we navigate the evolving landscape of the hybrid workplace. The following resources highlight the trends and insights shaping the future of work:

+ Onboard Effectively

Effectively onboarding new team members in a hybrid workplace requires specific strategies. The following resources delve into strategies, best practices, and resources to ensure a seamless and engaging onboarding experience:

UBC provides resources to hiring managers, including an onboarding guide and checklist for new employees. Encourage new employees to register for the Welcome to UBC Orientation held periodically online and in person.

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+ Create a Culture of Accountability

Creating a culture of accountability is a critical aspect of achieving success in the hybrid workplace. The following resources delve into strategies and best practices for setting goals, providing feedback, and evaluating performance in a remote and blended work environment:

  • Measure Performance: Strategies for Remote and Hybrid Teams | Gallup | Article: Understand the complexity of measuring performance, learn three performance domains that describe and predict success in a role, and the important role managers play.
  • A tool to support employee success | Workplace Strategies for Mental Health | Tool: A tool that supports employee success by providing a step-by-step process to assess stressors at work, develop strategies that support employee success, and help maintain a safe and productive workplace.
  • How to Give Feedback – Especially When You’re Dreading it | Harvard Business Review | Video: Liane Davey, author of The Good Fight provides a four-step framework to deliver feedback with clarity. (11 min)
  • Building Accountability into Your Culture | LinkedIn Learning | Course: Learn how to create a culture of accountability by developing accountability at the individual level and team level. (29 min)
  • Compassionate Directness | LinkedIn Learning | Course: Learn the powerful combination of directness and compassion in effective communication and how to foster a culture that enhances clarity, productivity, and respects individuals’ humanity. (41 min)
  • How to Hold a Coaching Conversation | Center for Creative Leadership | Article: Learn three important steps to engage in a coaching conversation that will transform everyday interactions into learning opportunities.

Review UBC resources on staff performance conversations and approaches.

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+ Build Trust

Building trusting teams is foundational for collaboration and success in the hybrid workplace. These resources explore strategies and practices to foster trust, strengthen relationships, and cultivate a culture of psychological safety within your team:

  • What Is Psychological Safety at Work? How Leaders Can Build Psychologically Safe Workplaces | Center for Creative Leadership | Article: Learn eight steps that will help you build greater psychological safety in the workplace, so your teams are more successful and engaged.
  • Trusting Teams | Simon Sinek | Video: Learn about the importance of building trust to create an environment in which people can work at their natural best. (9m)
  • The Anatomy of Trust | Dr. Brené Brown | Video: Learn about the seven attributes of trust that allows us to more clearly identify and address breaches of trust. (23 min)
  • Building Trust | LinkedIn Learning | Course: Learn how to build trust with colleagues using three drivers to gauge your trustworthiness: competency, empathy, and authenticity. (1 hr)
  • How Teams Can Meaningfully Connect Remotely | Simon Sinek | Video: Simon Sinek and his team model their weekly “huddle” designed to build relationships, connectivity, and trust in hybrid/remote teams.

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+ Prioritize Your Own Learning

Prioritizing your development as a manager is important for adapting and excelling in the hybrid workplace. The following resources will support you in your growth as a manager:

  • LinkedIn Learning: Get on-demand access to instructional videos around relevant themes and skills necessary for managing hybrid teams.
  • Workplace Learning Catalog: UBC’s Workplace Learning Catalog is your go-to resource for exploring and enrolling in courses offered or recommended by the University.
  • UBC Coaching Program: UBC offers a limited number of free one-on-one coaching sessions to all regular paid faculty and staff. Harness the expertise of a professional coach to navigate the intricacies of hybrid work and address common workplace issues you may face in your role.

The Leaders Edge is a UBC newsletter that features content related to managing in a hybrid workplace and upcoming professional development opportunities. The newsletter is automatically sent to all managers with direct reports. If you have not received it, subscribe here.

+ Is Hybrid Right for Your Team?

Hybrid work arrangements must follow the UBC hybrid work program objectives, principles, guidelines, and considerations. Managers are expected to decide if hybrid work arrangements are suitable for specific employees and the whole team.

To assess whether a hybrid work arrangement is appropriate for your team, start by reviewing UBC’s decision-making resources and tips.

Every team is unique, and there may be other factors you need to consider. If you are uncertain about whether or how to implement a hybrid work model for your team, the Hybrid Work & Communication Toolkit can help you make this decision. You are not expected to have all the answers – the Toolkit provides a framework to explore what a hybrid work model may look like for your team and to collaboratively develop an approach.

UBC’s Hybrid work for leaders page will guide you through considerations and the steps to formalize this arrangement and how to review, change or end an arrangement.

Managers are encouraged to access support and advice from their Department or Centre Administrator, if needed.

+ Practice Inclusive Leadership

Diverse and inclusive workplaces are ones with highly innovative and collaborative teams. These resources provide strategies and insights to help lead inclusively to promote equity and create an environment where every team member feels valued and empowered.

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+ Show Appreciation

Recognizing and appreciating the contributions of your team fosters motivation, engagement, and a positive work culture, and is especially critical in a hybrid workplace. These resources explore UBC and FoM’s award programs and provide strategies to acknowledge and celebrate the achievements and efforts of your employees:

Learn more about UBC and FoM opportunities for formal recognition.

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+ Foster Wellbeing and Safety

Supporting the wellbeing and safety of your team members is essential. This section provides valuable resources, insights, and best practices to support wellbeing, create a safe working environment, and cultivate a positive and productive team culture:


Learn about the wide range of resources UBC provides to managers to support team wellbeing and to cultivate a healthy work environment. Specifically, UBC provides extensive resources to help you manage mental health challenges for your team and for yourself.

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