Resources/ FAQs

Additional resources at UBC and frequently asked questions regarding the use of shared space

UBC Resources

Shared Space Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is a shared space model and how does it better support teams in working in a hybrid environment?

A shared space model is where staff can flexibly access a variety of workspaces at their workplace based on their individual or team needs in a given day. In a shared space model, desks or offices are not assigned to an individual and instead teams share a broader variety of types of spaces that can be equitably accessed across units when they are on site. This includes being able to access individual desks, collaboration spaces, meeting spaces, quiet spaces, and informal gathering spaces to meet, connect, or socialize with colleagues.

By providing different types of updated and reconfigured workspaces (e.g., meeting and collaboration spaces, quiet spaces, individual desks, informal gathering spaces) and amenity spaces and making them more equitably available, different types of work are better supported within the same workplace. The move to shared space allows teams to connect on site in ways they may not have envisioned in the past.

2. What is expected of people working together in shared space?

To ensure that the move to shared space is one that respects the needs of all units sharing the space, a set of Guidelines for Shared Space outlines what is expected of teams and individuals. The guidelines address topics such as booking and checking in/out of individual workspaces, noise, workspace sanitization and cleanliness, workspace furniture/equipment, and technical support. The Guidelines for Shared Space can be found in the Hybrid Work – Sharing Space MedNet resource site for units who have transitioned to shared space.

A separate set of guidelines for team, individual, and site-specific storage can be found on the same MedNet site. 

3. Where can I find information on how to book and use shared workspace?

You can find information on training, booking, and checking in with the Condeco booking tool on MedNet:

4. Where can I find information about personal and team storage in shared workspace?

5. Where can I find information about ergonomics in shared workspace?

6. Where can I find information about technology, tools, and training for shared workspace?

You can find information on technology, tools, and training on MedNet:

7. Where can I find information about safety and security in shared workspace?