Purchase Requisitions, Invoice Requests, and Expense Reports

Information about different reimbursement and payment processes


Purchase Requisitions are required for purchases that will exceed $3,500, or $10,000 if using a Workday catalogue supplier. Purchases less than $3,500 do not require a requisition, but Central Finance recommends using them for better tracking and to better report the University’s financial obligations. 

Once a Purchase Requisition is approved, it generates a unique Purchase Order number. Vendors will be expected to send invoices directly to Central Finance for processing at ubc.invoices@ubc.ca

Invoice Requests are used to pay invoices that did not go through the Purchase Requisition process and do not have a Purchase Order. Invoice Requests are also used to reimburse non-UBC individuals, or pay individuals without an invoice, such as an award payment. 

Expense Reports are for UBC individuals only. They are used for personal reimbursements and for reconciliation of UBC VISA/PCard transactions. Credit card holders must post their transactions via Expense Reports within Workday on a regular basis. This expense initiation can be delegated to another individual. 


For detailed information about the processes and how to perform them in Workday, please use the following links: 

Purchase Requisitions – Workday Catalogue Items 

Purchase Requisitions – Non-Catalogue Items 

Invoice Request 

Expense Report – Personal Reimbursements 

Expense Report – Reconciling Your VISA Card 


The Faculty of Medicine follows the University’s financial policies. A full list of the University’s policies can be found here.