Workday: Security Role Requests and Staff & Student Honoraria Process

HR and Finance Security Role changes (except grants) Process:

  • Senior Administrators should complete the Security Role Request Template
  • Effective September 2023, please submit requests for Finance and HR Security roles in the FoM WD Security Batch Submissions Teams Channel. Finance and HR requests should be made separately in the distinct folders set up. 
  • The batch request deadline runs biweekly – every other Fridays at 12:00PM.

Finance security role changes that affect research grants (Grant Manager or Grant Financial Analyst) should be submitted to the ISC. Please specify the changes, together with an email from the PI approving the change.

For access inquires to the Teams Channel:
Contact    or

HR and Finance Approval Process for Staff & Student Honoraria:

Staff & Student Honoraria:

All staff and student honoraria (one time payment) require Dean’s approval in Workday. When you receive the transaction as finance approver, please remember to “add approver” and select Dermot Kelleher as the added approver.  As Dr. Kelleher’s delegate, the approval will be routed to FoM HR Director, Sandy Liu to approve. This is the required approval process as per the UBC website.  Unfortunately, Workday did not configure this step, so it is important to for Finance to add the Dean before it goes to Central for processing.

Review and approval process

  1. All honoraria are subject to the approval of the head of the unit and the respective Dean/Principal/Associate Vice-President equivalent and/or Vice President, as outlined by each Faculty or Administrative Department.
  2. Upon approval, the honorarium should be submitted through Workday as a One-time payment, and include the rationale for payment, as well as supporting documentation.  Requests totaling $5,000 or above, are routed to compensation for additional review and approval to ensure equity and consistency across the University.

Note: Only complete for staff and students. You DO NOT need to add approver for faculty honoraria.  Those are routed to the Faculty HR team where they add the Dean after their review is complete.