“A Moment in Pixels” Photo Challenge Phase 2

Submit photos for City Square and DHCC photo gallery walls!

Help us celebrate the people of the Faculty of Medicine by submitting a photo that answers the question: What does thriving mean to you?


Share your interpretation of “What does thriving mean to you?”, inspired by the guiding principles of the Work(place) Evolution initiative. Each of the themes below captures an aspect of the many ways we can thrive in our workplace.

Photos might demonstrate:

  • Individual Flourishing: How you prioritize your wellbeing, take time to rejuvenate, or what you find beauty in.
  • Vibrant Connectivity: Vibrancy through the use of colour or movement, and connectivity through the many ways we are interconnected to one another and the natural world.
  • At the Leading Edge: Seasonal transitions, a bustling lab, communal workspace, or cutting-edge architecture.

    Image Requirements

    • Chosen theme, title, and a brief description for each submission.
    • Limit of three (3) photos per participant.
    • Acceptable formats: TIFF, PNG, or JPG, minimum resolution 1920 x 2400 (assess resolution on a PC or Mac)
    • Selection criteria: reflects one or more themes, quality of photos, visual impact, creativity and presentation
    • Selected pictures will only be used for the purposes of this project. 

    Photos from “A Moment in Pixels” Phase 1

    Congratulations to everyone from phase one whose photo submissions were selected. We would like to thank you for entering your awe-inspiring photos and heartwarming descriptions. A big thanks to our judges for their time and for picking photos that demonstrated the guiding principles of the Work(place) Evolution initiative.

    Here are the captivating and stunning photos!